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Univiz is designed to help college students balance spontaneous learning with structured academics, offering a digital organizer that integrates seamlessly into daily routines, providing customizable notifications and course management integration to enhance academic success.


UI Design, UX Design, Research, Prototype


Ting-Shuan Huang & Tanisha Keat


2 months (Nov - Dec 2023) 


Figma, Markup, Miro

The Problem

Balancing spontaneous learning with structured academic success is a challenge for college students.


​In the demanding environment of college education, students often find it challenging to manage their desire for spontaneous learning while adhering to the structured approach required for academic success. Reliance on memory for schedules and tasks can lead to lapses and missed deadlines, adversely affecting their performance. The reluctance to engage in extensive planning highlights the need for tools that blend seamlessly into daily routines, providing high utility with minimal required input.

User Interviews

Understanding the experiences and obstacles of college students with collaborative study-planning tools.


Before we dive into the design, we want to understand the challenges college students face with collaborative study-planning tools. By interviewing four students from world-wide universities, we gain valuable insights to make the application more effective and user-friendly for them. We focus on ensuring the tool better supports their academic success.

Key Insights

Streamlining academic tools to reduce the overwhelm of university app requirements.


​In the demanding environment of college education, students face challenges in balancing spontaneous learning with structured academics. They prefer mobile tools that are always accessible, support diverse study methods, and offer simple, motivating goal-setting and flexible scheduling features. Developing a mobile application with these characteristics can help replace unreliable memorization with a dependable digital academic organizer, enhancing students’ academic success through systematic yet adaptable planning, all while reducing the burden of additional technology.

How might we

"Create a mobile application that seamlessly integrates into college students’ daily routines, reducing their reliance on multiple university-required apps while supporting diverse study methods, goal setting, and flexible scheduling to enhance academic success?"

User Personas


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Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 4.36.44 PM.png

Sketches & Wireframe

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 4.32.24 PM.png

Results and Takeaways

The project led to improved academic performance, increased engagement, and reduced stress among students, who appreciated the application’s ease of use and seamless integration into their routines. The key takeaway is that a user-centric design, focusing on simplicity and direct problem-solving, is crucial. Flexibility to accommodate diverse study methods and minimal input with high utility are essential, as one solution cannot fit all needs. This approach ensures the tool effectively supports students’ academic success without adding to their technological burden.



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