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Supporting Patient Paths to Parenthood with Ease


Research, UI Design, UX Research, Prototype


4 months (Sep - Dec 2023)


Ting-Shuan Huang

Eliette Janeteas
Ge Gao
Hyunjin Park

MyRepro simplifies the fertility journey for University Hospital's patients by centralizing menstrual cycle tracking, medication schedules, lab results, and appointments into one intuitive app. It enhances communication with healthcare providers, making it easier for patients to manage their reproductive health and receive support throughout their path to parenthood.

Discovering the need

In the intricate journey of seeking parenthood through fertility treatments, patients are often confronted with the daunting task of managing complex medication regimens, keeping up with crucial health milestones, and accurately tracking their menstrual cycles. This overwhelming blend of responsibilities, compounded by a lack of personalized guidance and emotional support, can significantly hinder the path to successful treatment, elevating stress levels and impacting overall treatment efficacy.


MyRepro is dedicated to transforming the fertility treatment experience by empowering patients with the knowledge and resources to navigate their journey confidently. We aim to dismantle the barriers to following complex at-home medical instructions and timelines. MyRepro seeks to enhance patient engagement and comprehension of their health regimen through comprehensive educational materials, intuitive cycle-based guidance, and on-demand support. By simplifying the management of treatment processes, we aim to elevate patient well-being and alleviate the stress often accompanying fertility treatments. 


Challenges in Fertility Treatment

In the intricate journey of seeking parenthood through fertility treatments, patients are often confronted with the daunting task of managing complex medication regimens, keeping up with crucial health milestones, and accurately tracking their menstrual cycles. This overwhelming blend of responsibilities, compounded by a lack of personalized guidance and emotional support, can significantly hinder the path to successful treatment, elevating stress levels and impacting overall treatment efficacy.

Gaps in Current Fertility Solutions

The current market offers various fertility tracking applications designed for general use and basic record-keeping. On the other hand, clinics and hospitals typically utilize their proprietary systems for patient communication. However, there is a noticeable void in solutions that specifically cater to the nuanced medical treatment plans of individuals undergoing fertility treatments, effectively bridging their clinical needs with their daily life practices.

A Unified Solution with MyRepro

Undergoing fertility treatment involves more than just medical interventions; it requires a significant lifestyle adjustment, embedding the treatment process into the patient's everyday life. MyRepro is designed to fill this gap by offering a holistic platform that melds clinical treatment requirements with day-to-day living. This comprehensive approach aims to boost patient contentment and improve the flow of communication between patients and healthcare providers, addressing the core needs of those navigating the intricacies of fertility treatments.

Competitive Research
Market Landscape and Competitor Analysis

The fertility app market includes well-known platforms like Ovia, Clue, and Kindara, which offer features ranging from ovulation prediction and daily fertility assessments to medication reminders, period tracking, and symptom analysis. These applications also enrich user knowledge with scientific content on fertility, sexually transmitted infections, and reproductive health, and allow for sharing menstrual cycle data through integrated calendars in apps like Ovia and Kindara.

Distinguishing MyRepro

What sets MyRepro apart from these offerings is its emphasis on direct patient-provider communication, enabling real-time updates and guidance on necessary tests and lab work. Additionally, MyRepro stands out by offering specialized support for managing conditions such as PCOS and hyperprolactinemia, directly involving healthcare providers in the patient's fertility journey. These distinctive features are designed to enhance user experience for those seeking more than just tracking capabilities, by providing comprehensive care coordination and personalized medical support, addressing a gap in the current fertility app market.

SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis.png

User Personas

Introducing the personas shaping MyRepro's user experience: Dr. Sarah Mitchell, an empathetic reproductive endocrinologist, and our patient personas, Nora Robinson and Jenna Sanders, both of whom bring to life the diverse pregnancy and fertility needs that our app is designed to address with thoughtful, personalized solutions.

Hi-Fidelity Prototype

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